Whoop-de-Dooper Bounce


Whoop-de-Dooper Bounce – песня из мультфильма «Тигра: фильм» 2000 года.

Появления Тигра: фильм
Исполнители Тигра и Ру

Тигра: фильм

В этой песне Тигра объясняет Ру, как делается его коронный Супер-Дупер-Пупер-Лупер-Алле-Опер-Прыжок. У Ру не сразу получается даже выговорить название приёма, не то что выполнить его.


Tigger: You can’t bounce the bounce
If you can’t even pronounce the bounce!
Ahem, repeat after Tigger.

Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bounce
The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bounce
It’s got the zip that make you flip
And that’s what really counts
In the Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bounce

Now, half this bounce is ninty percent mental
If ya calculate the specific
Tiggerjectory of year
Stripecelleration Diviferous
by the Square Boot of yer
Rebounce, yer Vertical
Situituation Indicator and yer
Striperconic Springertia
should Rica-tic-chet yer
Hydraulific Fu-silly-age into
an Accelerometric De-orbit!
Any questions?
Roo: When do I get to learn the
Whooping Looper Whooper…
I mean the Looper Dooper Whooper…

Tigger: The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bounce
The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bonnce
The more you try, the more you fly
And that’s what really counts
In the Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bounce

Tigger: Now you swing your legs up high
And you twist yer tail in tight!
Wind up all yer springs and
And with your eyes fixated straight ahead
You let it all loose
Roo: Umm, is this right?

Tigger: It’s best when done by tiggers
‘Cause our tiggerific figures
Are filled with vims and vigors
And that’s the thing that triggers

The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bounce
The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper
Alley-Ooper Bounce
Roo: The more you try, the more you fly
And that’s what really counts

Tigger: Right, it activates and elevates
Accelerates and more
You’re bouncing off the ceiling
like you never did before

The Whoop-de-Dooper
Roo: Whoop-de-Dooper!
Tigger: Loop-de-Looper
Roo: Loop-de-Looper!
Both: Alley-Ooper…