Up, Down, Touch the Ground

Up, Down, Touch the Ground – песня из мультфильма «Винни-Пух и медовое дерево» 1966 года.

Появления Приключения Винни-Пуха
Исполнитель Винни-Пух

Винни-Пух и медовое дерево

Эту песню Пух поёт, когда делает утреннюю зарядку. Во время зарядки у него разыгрывается аппетит.


When I up, down, touch the ground
Puts me in the mood
Up, down, touch the ground
In the mood (smacks lips) for food

I am stout, round and I have found
Speaking poundage-wise,
I improve my appetite
When I exercise…

(ripping sound)
(Speaks) Oh, stuff and fluff.
(ties it back together again)
That’s better.
(reflection in the mirror talks back)
Thank you.
Now, where was I?
(grumbling sound from stomach)
Oh, yes, I’m rumbly in my tumbly.
Time for something sweet.

(Sings) …I am short, fat, and proud of that
And so with all my might
I up, down, up-down
To my appetite’s delight
While I up, down, touch the ground
I think of things to chew
(Speaks) Mmm, like honey, milk, and chocolate.
(Sings) With a hefty-happy appetite
I’m a hefty-happy Pooh

Chorus: With a hefty-happy appetite
He’s a hefty-happy Pooh