The Way It Must Be Done – песня из мультфильма «Винни-Пух: Весна и Ру» 2004 года.
Появления | Винни-Пух: Весна и Ру |
Исполнители | Кролик, Тигра, Винни-Пух, Ру, Пятачок, Иа |
Винни-Пух: Весна и Ру
Песня звучит дважды за мультфильм: первый раз – когда Кролик пытается организовать праздник по строгому расписанию, второй – когда он передумывает и решает просто веселиться без всяких расписаний.
Текст 1
Rabbit: For our yearly Easter fun,
We use the checklist,
Number one,
We get the eggs,
And then we’ll lay them out like so.
Number two,
We color them,
Then dye them,
And we take them out then dry them
And we line them up precisely in a row.
Next we stack them,
And we pack them,
Make a list so we can track them,
Tie the ribbons,
Stuff the baskets when it’s done
Then we count them out precisely,
And we decorate them nicely,
And when all of that is finished,
We’ll have fun.
‘Cause that’s the way it must be done
See from step one, see that’s how we win
We have to be aware to start to prepare
To commence, to get ready, to begin!
Oh dear.
Now, shall we get to work?
Tigger: Ohh! Me first!
Rabbit: Very well. I have all the jobs assigned here on my clipboard.
Tigger: I’ll take this one.
Piglet: I’ll do the baskets!
Rabbit: Wait a minute.
Tigger: I’ll paint this red!
Rabbit: No, paint it blue.
Roo: I’ll take this egg!
Rabbit: No, that’s for Pooh.
Pooh: I’ll use this brush!
Rabbit: That’s not for you!
Piglet: I’ll tie the bow!
Rabbit: No, that’s for Roo!
Eeyore: What do you want me to do?
Rabbit: You’ll take the scissors and the glue.
Tigger: How about we’ll paint this something new, like maybe stripes?
Piglet: Me too!
Rabbit: No, no, no, no!
Stop having fun!
We have to systemize, prioritize, coordinate and organize,
Or else, we’ll never ever get this done!
We need order, concentration
This situation needs focus, control
We’re painting and drying and packing and tying
Get together, or we’ll never reach the goal!
Tigger: I’ll paint this red…
Rabbit: We need order
Tigger: …or maybe blue!
Rabbit: Concentration
Pooh: I’ll stuff the baskets!
Rabbit: This situation’s
Piglet: I’ll dry these two!
Rabbit: Out of control!
Roo: I’ll tie the ribbons!
Rabbit: Painting, drying
Eeyore: I’ll write the card.
Rabbit: Packing, tying
Tigger: We can do it! Nothing to it!
Roo: Look at us! We’re almost through it!
(others clamoring)
Rabbit: You’re NOT doing it right! Hold on! STO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-OP!!!
Текст 2
They won’t believe it’s true,
I know exactly what to do!
We’re gonna sing, we’re gonna laugh, we’re gonna dance!
I’m going to bring us all together
For the grandest Easter ever,
Though I can’t believe I got another chance!
‘Cause, this is how it will be done now!
I’m having fun now, I’m out of control!
I love it!
Hip-hooray, it’s Easter Day
And it’s gonna be the grandest of them!
The biggest, grandest Easter of them all!