Seasons of Giving

Seasons of Giving – песня из спецвыпуска «Винни-Пух и сезон подарков».

Появления Новые приключения Винни-Пуха
Исполнитель Закадровый голос

Винни-Пух и сезон подарков

Этот мультфильм представляет собой компиляцию из «Винни-Пуха и Дня Благодарения» и двух эпизодов мультсериала – «День Земляного Пятачка» и «Найти и оставить» — с добавлением нескольких новых сцен и одной песни, разбитой на три части.

Текст 1

Every season brings a reason to be happy (happy)
Every season brings a reason to be glad (glad)
When the sun is shining up above you
And honey bees are in the hive
Oh, what a happy reason to be glad that you’re alive! (ooh)
So every season brings a reason to be giving (every season)
Giving thanks for the good things that appear
When you hear that birds are singing
Be it winter, fall or spring
What a beautiful gift the seasons bring!

Текст 2

Every season brings a reason to be cheerful (cheerful)
Every season brings a reason, you should smile (smile)
When the leaves start falling all around you
There’s the scent of autumn in the air
Oh, what a happy reason to be grateful that you’re there! (ooh)
So every season there’s a reason to be giving (every season)
Giving thanks for the good things that we share
Now it’s fun to get together
In the breezy autumn weather
It’s a wonderful gift beyond compare!

Текст 3

Every season brings a reason to be joyful (joyful)
Every season brings a song your heart can sing (sing)
When the wintry wind begins a-blowing
You’ll soon be playing in the snow
And it won’t be long till Christmas comes to set your heart aglow! (ooh)
So every season brings a reason to be giving
Giving thanks for the seasons of good cheer
But most of all, we’re grateful
For the loved ones we hold dear
Every glorious season of the year
Every glorious season…of…the…year!